Because I need to vent...

Monday, December 12, 2011

facing the facts

Well- we are in the 48 hour countdown to finding out whether or not I have another tumor. And throughout all of this I keep seeing a recurring lesson, "accept the things you cannot change". I just wish it were an easier lesson to learn and actually hold onto. I go in on Wednesday for the final verdict and the part that makes it extra suck is 1. I wont be able to talk to Matt, either to tell him good news, or for us to be there for each other for the bad news. and 2. the next day is our 1 year anniversary. I am so incredibly blessed to have him in my life and I honestly can't imagine things without him. But it will definitely put a damper on things if I find out I have another tumor. Time to face the music- how does that prayer go?

                God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

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