Because I need to vent...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am NOT my parents.

Moving back home is rough, REAL ROUGH. Its even more rough when you've been out of the house for the last almost 4 years and now your having to come back to a house where 2 other children have already moved back in. Its crowded, but I am truly appreciative of the fact that my parents were generous enough to let me come home during this strange time of transition while I'm waiting for orders from the Army. However, in the 3 weeks that I've been here, one thing has become painfully clear. I AM NOT MY PARENTS!
Oh good lord how I am not like them! We do have a lot of commonalities and I do have traits that I can straight be like, "Yup, got that from Dad" or "Yup, got that from my Mom". But as I am getting older I am able to look at more things and be like ummmm....... ya. Not so much.
For example: Matt is OCD about cleanliness and organization. Which I like, because Im OCD about cleanliness and organization. I LIKE things to be clean, I LIKE things to be organized. My parents house is very much the opposite. I try to keep things really clean, I vacuum, mop, tidy, all those things but for the most part its just Me and my sister that keeps up with it. My parents are ok if things get messy and then they deal with it.
I guess the older you get the more realistic you are when looking at those around. I definitely love my family, and my parents. But that doesnt mean I have to be the same as them.

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