Because I need to vent...

Monday, July 11, 2011

The struggle.

I have always struggled with  my weight. When I was really young (13-14) I was super skinny because I was playing sports all the time, but after several injuries and not being as active my weight started to go up. I peaked out in 11th grade around 170 lbs with about a 35% body fat. I was pretty chunky. Then my senior year I ended up with their weird stomach problem where I couldn't eat and ended up loosing around 40lbs in 3 months. I dropped my weight down to around 130 at the lowest and plateaued around 145. I was pretty happy with that, although I was still pretty sickly. My weight slowly crept up and when I joined the Army I was pretty excited because I thought, "FINALLY I'll get that body I always wanted". I was wrong. Although I was working out constantly my first year in ROTC I ended up gaining weight- again up to about 170. Yes, yes, I know.. it was muscle, and my body fat % was much lower this time, around 25%. But STILL... for some reason the # matters to me. When I started nursing school the workouts dropped off dramatically and the body fat went back up, but my weight stayed around 167. When my Ex and I split, I actually did really good and lost around 15 pounds. I got down to 150 and I was THRILLED! Then came along Ted. Oh how that tumor is such a pain in my ass. With the change of medications I went through I ended up gaining 15lbs in 3 weeks and my body fat went up like crazy. On top of that I was still working out and eating a low calorie low fat diet. Gotta love hormones. So thus I am where I am now. After lots more medication to get me to loose the weight Ive been around 155 for the past few months, but I want to do better. With this upcoming surgery I need to be in the best shape I can possibly be in if I want a quick recovery. So Ive started working out every day. And so far Ive done pretty good. Granted this is still fairly new. But still. Everyday Ive been doing SOMETHING. I said I wouldnt put any conditions on it like "run everyday" or "100 situps" everyday, but when I do that it never gets done. I merely said I would do SOMETHING, and so far it has worked, and so far, my thighs are definitely feeling it! So heres hoping that this gets a little easier and that the # starts to look a little better!

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