Because I need to vent...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

From the start...

So here it is down and dirty, I did the thing I swore I wouldn't do and I started a "personal" blog. I guess legitimately I do have some things to talk about, at least in my own head. And this seems easier to me than talking to myself in the bathroom mirror. Which does happen on occasion. So I guess this is it in a nut shell-

I'm getting ready to graduate college, have an amazing job as a nurse in the Army all lined up, still waiting on my duty station though. But o'well, they'll tell me when they're good and ready. I have an awesome boyfriend, one I actually see potential with, but we both want to take things appropriately slow, and be responsible and logical about our Relationship. He's in the Marines and I'm in the Army, so we are definitely facing a challenge. I'm thinking about medical school, planning on taking the MCAT around July, just to see how I do.. and other than that life is going fairly well.
Oh, except that one thing. Ya. THAT thing. I have a tumor. A Leomyoma, otherwise known as a uterine fibroid. Pretty common in the general public, most women get them in their 40's-50's. However, seeing them in a young 24 year old... pretty rate. And seeing one that is as big as mine is, even rarer. My tumor, lovingly named Ted, by my best friend Kelsey and I, is about the size of clementine orange. Pretty good size, all things considered.
As of right now, I have chosen not to have the surgery I need, and rather I'm just gonna suck up all the pain and IBS and other shinangians that Ted has been causing. That way I can get my commission on schedule, and get to my unit, and THEN deal with all of the unknowns of surgery.

So there. That is the update to get this whole shin dig started.

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