Because I need to vent...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I need more motivation! Pre-Ted I was doing so well with working out regularly, improving my run times, I was doing GREAT! Then there was Ted. Gee thanks Ted. You ruin EVERYTHING! After my last round of additional hormones I'm so exhausted that even making myself dinner (and we're talking Microwave lean cuisine) is too much work. I'm still exhausted, and its been a week since my last additional dose! While taking the extra pills I made myself go out for some exercise...Pre-ted being problematic I was running 3-5 miles 3-4 times per week. Last week I went outside and could barely complete a mile. It wasn't that my muscles were tired, or that I couldn't catch my breath, it was that my entire body just was DRAINED. I know part of that is due to the anemia- a wonderful result of "complications"... but MAN! Im 24 (will be soon)! I shouldn't be like this! While I was out running I saw a girl flying past me running, and I just kept wondering, why is it so easy for her, and so hard for me? And the only answer I could come up with is, that she just kept going, where as I stopped. So my new goal is to try to get back into shape, despite whatever Ted tries to throw at me! Now I just need to find some serious motivation!!! any thoughts?

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