Because I need to vent...

Monday, April 25, 2011

What a Monday!

So Fayetteville is flooding. Right now the parking lot of my apartment has about 3 feet of standing water, with a nice current. And lucky for us the rain isn't supposed to stop anytime soon. To top things off, I think I cracked a tooth, because all of a sudden there is one that SERIOUSLY hurts, and nothing seems to be helping. And to top THAT off, I started having "complications" again last night. Oh joy. I'm not nearly as upset as I was last time. I think at this point I'm just really frustrated that I can't seem to be normal! Why can't I be a normal 24 year old and respond to medication the way I am supposed to, and for that matter NOT have a tumor commonly found in 50 year old women, and why can't I NOT have continual "complications" like a normal person!  So frustrating. I will admit that last night I had a small freak out moment, but more so over the "life" aspect of things. Like if I have to have emergency surgery and can't take and pass a PT test, and can't commission, where will I work and how will I pay my bills and pay for surgery since my Insurance will have dropped and those sort of things... But Today I have decided that God has a plan. And that I am going to have faith,  and trust that this whole thing is all going to work itself out! But still, I would much rather I were more normal. I'm tired of always having something wrong with me.. and I think you all are tired of hearing about it.

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