Because I need to vent...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hormones galore

Today is day 2 of extra strength hormones. Oh Joy! To give you an idea of what its like here are just a few of the side effects. "headache, dizziness, lethargy, intolerance to contact lenses, MI, thromboembolism, edema, hypertension, nausea, weight changes, anorexia, increased apetite, jaundice, vomiting, amenorhea, dysmenorrhea, testicular atrophy, oily skin, acne, pigmentation, urticaria, hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia, sodium and water retention, and leg cramps" just to name a few. I'm pretty miserable. The anorexia, nausea and headache are what I seem to be noticing most right now. Oh and lethargy. OH BOY LETHARGY! I have no appetite at all, but if I don't eat I feel HORRIBLY nauseous. I'm trying to truck through though. I made myself get out and run today. I ran a whole 3/4 of a mile and walked the other 1 1/4 miles. YAAA FOR ME! I was running around 4-6 miles every other day and now I can barely get the energy to put my lean cuisine in the microwave. If you could eat them still frozen I would. This also does not take into account the wonderful side effect of being erratically emotional, but we won't go there. Anyways, time for bed... I'm exhausted.

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