Because I need to vent...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

It rains, it pours, and then it hails.

So I have been handling everything fairly in stride. Just taking things as they come, one by one... remember yesterday when I said I hadn't had my freak out moment yet..... well, that moment finally rolled around this afternoon. Let me back up by telling you that this morning I woke up with every intention to have a totally productive day, and started my day by picking up my uniform, and then going to wash my car. Then my battery died. Then the guy that jumps my car tells me the battery is dead and needs to be replaced. So $105.96 later, I have a new battery, but spent about 3 hours taking care of it.
I am calling TRUCE with the universe! NO MORE! I GIVE UP! UNCLE! WHATEVER YOU WANT! Just quit sending bad shit my way! As my twin said today I, "need a vacation from life". So true. SO TRUE! So to recap 2011 so far: car got hit by uninsured driver. Car got hit by softball size hail. Battery dies.  Tumor complications. Need a root canal. Computer crashed..... blah. I don't even want to joke and say, "whats next" because I am SERIOUSLY afraid there might BE a something next! NO MORE!
I really am a believer in signs, and all of this just makes me wonder if this is some sort of sign that God and the universe is trying to send me that I'm just not picking up on. I mean they definitely got my attention, I'm just not sure what they are trying to tell me.

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