Because I need to vent...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When it rains... it pours.

So today I went to the dentist. After only being able to eat 3 oatmeal cookies yesterday I figured Maaayyybbbeee the tooth pain was serious enough that I could fork out the money to have it looked at. I figured cavity, chip, loose filling, blah, blah, blah. So today I go in, they take the x-ray, granted this is the same dentist Ive been going to since the 2nd grade, and then I wait.. and wait... and wait.. and finally they come back and tell me that they want me to go see this OTHER dentist down the road.. so I do. So he does more x-rays, and then does the "percussion" test (where they knock against your sore tooth with a metal pick.... and of course it hurts! DUH!)  and then they put cold stuff on it, which hurt even more.... and then he told me he was "pretty sure" I needed a root canal. The part that hurt the worst though was hearing how much it would cost me ( $953 for the root canal part, and another $300 for the crown). UGGHH. So... dentist says, "pretty sure".... I saw the x-ray.. there was no decay or any spots or cracks to indicate that the tooth was damaged or rotting.. and my gum around the tooth is also pretty sore. Now let me preface this with: I went through a similar thing 2 years ago, tooth hurt, same type of thing, blah, blah, blah blah, they say root canal.. I decide to wait, a week later I get bronchitis and get treated with antibiotics and what do ya know! Tooth ache went away!!!  SO. Needless to say they agreed to try antibiotics first and I took the first dose tonight, and already I think it feels better! So FINGERS CROSSED!

Now... with all that being said and out of the way, I would just like to say: I feel like I've had enough this year. This morning, after having an ironic laugh that something ELSE could be going wrong, I really just felt like yelling out to the universe, " ENOUGH ALREADY!". So far this year: Computer crashed- had to buy a new one, got hit by an uninsured driver- after I got that fixed I got hit by softball size hail, tumor problems out the ying-yang, some nice family stressors here and there, now the whole tooth thing, and there has also been lots of little things here and there to just add to it all. Its not even May, and I feel worn out!  However, I will also say, that I think I am handling this all very well. I haven't freaked out (yet), and I've been managing all my  other problems fairly well. And I must give credit where credit is due and thank my incredibly wonderful, incredibly supportive, positive, handsome, charming, funny boyfriend Matt. Despite everything that has happened, Matt has been there for me and suffered through all my craziness with the best attitude and optimism, I consider myself VERY fortunate to have someone who will put up with my pain-in-the-ass-self. :-)

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